I’m Md Kamruzzaman

Digital Marketer

I have worked in the internet industry as a full-time freelance professional since march 2013, accumulating a wealth of knowledge and experience during these past 11 years. Marketing Solutions: I offer an array of digital marketing solutions helping your business reach the pinnacle of success.


About Me

Digital Marketing and SEO Specialist || YouTube manager 

I am a professional digital marketing exporter. I have about 11 years of experience working. I will do work in Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Email Marketing, Data Entry, Lead Generation, Sales, and Marketing. I specialize in YouTube marketing and music marketing

I have worked in the internet industry as a full-time freelance professional since march 2013, accumulating a wealth of knowledge and experience during these past 11 years. Marketing Solutions: I offer an array of digital marketing solutions helping your business reach the pinnacle of success

Our Skills

Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh,
ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Nullam id dolor
Off-Page SEO ( SEO Backlinks )
Spotify Music Promotion
YouTube manager | Youtube SEO ( Backlinks And Views, Like and Sub
Soundcloud Music Promotion
Years of Experience
0 +
Projects Done
0 +
Happy Clients ( returning Buyer )
0 +
Md Kamruzzaman

Md Kamruzzaman

I am a Professional SEO and Marketing specialist.

Mrs Sumaya

Mrs Sumaya

Company assistant at kmshemul corp ltd

Md Tofazzel

Md Tofazzel

Company Manager at kmshemul corp ltd

Working Process

Of course I will start work after discussing all kinds of work with each client before work and I will need all the requirements.

Step 01

Work Discuss Clients

I will start my work after discussing with the client what work the client wants and what the client needs

Step 02

Discuss Payment

How many dollars do I need for the job And how many dollars do I need for this work and how long will it take time

Final Step

Work Processing

I will tell him how to start work and when the work is done and submit it when the work is done.

Recent Projects

After finishing each of my projects, you will see my portfolio of all projects here with reviews.

You can come to the Marketplace

Get In Touch

You need to have a detailed discussion about your work with me before you start working because I have the ability to start and finish your project

+8 01788941361
kmshemulbd@gmail.com kmshemul19@gmail.com
BD, Khulna Division, Jhenaidah, 7300

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